sâmbătă, 13 februarie 2010

my dear Jacko...

Nici nu pot explica ceea ce simt cand ascult melodia Smile...
E mai presus de cuvinte..
Se spune ca sentimentele nu au legatura anatomica de fapt cu inima.Bine bine si atunci..cum se face ca te doare cand esti trist?
Am citit multe comentarii de la multi fani de-ai lui Michael si am fost cu adevarat uimita cati oameni au putut sa il iubeasca si inca il iubesc...E incredibil dar imi vine sa plang de fiecare data cand vad ca lumea e atat de strans legata prin muzica lui.
Si desi era un om sensibil, in concerte i se vedea adevarata putere..Tin minte ca nu aveam atata energie sa il ascult pana la capat cand ii vedeam concertele la televizor..ma gandesc ca el mai si dansa..
Vocea lui si cand vorbea emana numai caldura si delicatete..Eu am doua suferinte in lumea asta:nu pot vedea animale suferind si oameni ce izbucnesc in plans...si michael avea un suflet asa de mare incat a izbucnit in plans cand a dezvaluit presei ca tatal lui il batea in copilarie..
Ati observat vreodata ca se distingea dintre toti dansatorii?Desavarsit!
Aici e melodia mea preferata:Will you be there..Cred ca e tot crezul meu de-o viata in aceasta melodie...

In your darkest hour, in your deepest despair
I will still care. I will be there.
In your trials, and your tribulations
through your doubts, and frustrations
In your violence, in your turbulence
Through your fear, and your confessions
In your anguish and your pain
Through your joy and your sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
Iata aici cateva dintre comentariile fanilor.Vorbesc de la sine:
"I am so lucky I got to enjoy his talent and his music. Only somebody with a clean and pure heart could write this song and if God wanted you to leave this world there is nothing we can't do about that. Thank you Michael for everything you did to make a better world, you will be missed forever"
"MJ was very humble and God like. I personally think he was an angel send by God to make music for people to have some form of escapism from life daily struggle. He was a rare GIFT that sometimes come once in a lifetime."
"nobody was there, from millions of fans no one could help!! God it hurts, everyday the hurt is getting bigger.. I miss you Michael i miss you...."
"to this day this song leaves me in tears.... Michael's words near the end of the song send goosebumps throughout my body. Michael Jackson is the best musical artist in history he inspired the world to live together in peace & harmony, this song as well as We are the World and Heal the World are the best songs in music history no other artist even comes close, taylor swift, beyonce and all others can try, they wont ever be in the same league as Michael, RIP MJ we love you always"
"Now i've heard this song like 100 times or something, but it allways sounds different, and it sounds better and better for every time i hear it!
Mike you will allways be there, in my heart.
God bless, and love to you. "
"SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SONG sung by a truly beautiful man. Since Michael's passing, I can't listen to this without crying. It reminds me so much of MJ's life, especially when he sings "I'm only human" and "I get lonely sometimes". Through all of MJ's pain, sorrow, and tribulations, he WAS ALWAYS THERE to give us his joy, his magic and his love. He never faltered. For me, he is truly an inspiration. I WILL NEVER LET YOU PART. YOU ARE ALWAS IN MY HEART."

RIP Michael!!
Te vom iubi mereu!

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